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Who Long Do Dogs Live? Here are the 10 breeds of adorable dog with the longest and shortest average lifespans - from Great Dane to Chihuahua 🐶

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    Certain breeds of dog can expect to live to a ripe old age, while others sadly have shorter average lifespans. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    Certain breeds of dog can expect to live to a ripe old age, while others sadly have shorter average lifespans. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    The last two years have seen many of us welcome a new four-legged friend into our homes, as the Kennel Club saw dog ownership rise by nearly eight per cent during the global pandemic.

    But with 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your perfect pup – whether you want a large dog, family-friendly dog, or crossbreed.

    Another small dog with a long life, the Jack Russell can also live for up to 20 years, although tend to average a lifespan closer to 16 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    Another small dog with a long life, the Jack Russell can also live for up to 20 years, although tend to average a lifespan closer to 16 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    For all the latest dog news, pictures, advice and information, join our Scotsdog Facebook group here

    One of the terrible truths of dog ownership is that we are likely to outlive our adored pet, with the average dog living just 10-13 years – but there's a fairly substantial gap between the breeds that live the longest and shortest lives.

    Smaller dogs, like the Chihuahua, tend to live until relatively old age, while larger dogs can expect a lifespan of half as long.

    First we're looking at the dog breeds that live the longest. Perhaps surprisingly, small dogs tend to live longer than large dogs - a point proven by the Chihuahua. The tiny breed lives for an average of an impressive 15-20 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    First we're looking at the dog breeds that live the longest. Perhaps surprisingly, small dogs tend to live longer than large dogs - a point proven by the Chihuahua. The tiny breed lives for an average of an impressive 15-20 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    Here are the 10 breeds that have the shortest and longest average lifespans.

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    An Australian Cattle Dog called Bluey holds the record for the longest-lived dog - reaching an incredible 29 years of age. The breed normally lives for around 15 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    An Australian Cattle Dog called Bluey holds the record for the longest-lived dog - reaching an incredible 29 years of age. The breed normally lives for around 15 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

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    While Standard Poodles and Miniature Poodles both live relatively long lives, the Toy Poodle outdoes them both with a lifespan of up to 18 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    While Standard Poodles and Miniature Poodles both live relatively long lives, the Toy Poodle outdoes them both with a lifespan of up to 18 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    Moving onto the dog breeds with the shortest lives. Also known as the French Mastiff, the Dogue de Bordeaux has the shortest average life of ang dog breed, tending to live between 5 and 8 years. They have obstacles to overcome from the very start - with one of the highest stillbirth rates of any breed - while their brachycephalic (flat) face means that they are at a higher risk of developing breathing problems than other dogs.

    Moving onto the dog breeds with the shortest lives. Also known as the French Mastiff, the Dogue de Bordeaux has the shortest average life of ang dog breed, tending to live between 5 and 8 years. They have obstacles to overcome from the very start - with one of the highest stillbirth rates of any breed - while their brachycephalic (flat) face means that they are at a higher risk of developing breathing problems than other dogs.

    The oldest recorded Beagle was called Butch, from the USA, who lived until he was 28. More usually, Beagles can be expected to live for between 12 and 16 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    The oldest recorded Beagle was called Butch, from the USA, who lived until he was 28. More usually, Beagles can be expected to live for between 12 and 16 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    In common with many large dogs, the enourmous Great Danes lives a relatively short life - averaging 6-8 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    In common with many large dogs, the enourmous Great Danes lives a relatively short life - averaging 6-8 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    Another gentle giant, the beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog also lives around 6-8 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    Another gentle giant, the beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog also lives around 6-8 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    The world's tallest breed of dog is also one of its most short-lived, with an average livespan of 6-10 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    The world's tallest breed of dog is also one of its most short-lived, with an average livespan of 6-10 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    The adorably wrinkly Neopolitan Mastiff can expect to live for 7-9 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)

    The adorably wrinkly Neopolitan Mastiff can expect to live for 7-9 years. (Photo: Canva/Getty Images)


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    Author: Maria Gates

    Last Updated: 1702165562

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    Name: Maria Gates

    Birthday: 1972-09-21

    Address: 9683 Sarah Ridges Suite 593, Port Amymouth, WA 88974

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    Job: Artificial Intelligence Specialist

    Hobby: Swimming, Woodworking, Rowing, Drone Flying, Cycling, Sailing, Basketball

    Introduction: My name is Maria Gates, I am a rare, candid, unguarded, rich, valuable, risk-taking, striking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.